Thursday, September 24, 2009

10 Years!

As you may know if you're a regular reader of this blog, a little over a month ago DH and I celebrated out 10th dating anniversary. For the occasion, I worked on a little hybrid project and I can finally share it here, now that it's posted as a tutorial on the ScrapMatters blog too! ;)

10 years is quite a long time, and I thought it would be neat to create a mini album with a page for each year we spent together. I tried to get a picture taken in summer, around our anniversary date, but I have to tell you, some years it was hard to find a picture of the two of us together at all! Luckily, this will never happen again, because since I started scrapbooking I've always made sure to take plenty of pictures of us. ;)

Anyway, here's my little album: it's tiny and it turned out very pretty! :D

I kept the pages very simple: most of the space is taken up by our picture, plus I added a date stamp that bears the year and the anniversary number.

Gretchen, Date Stamped and Minnie Alpha by Britt-ish Designs

1 comment:

  1. I am part of the team store Virtual scrapbooking Brazilian Sorelinha Arte em Papel.
    We admire your work too!
    I published the blog shop the photos of yours LO´s. Published as inspiration for the Brazilian scrappers.
    Much admire your work!
    If you can´t please says that I deleted.

    Posting link:


    Juliane P. Vaz - Research Team

