Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Project 52 Cards - Year 1 Completed!

When I began this project in January of this year, I wasn't quite sure I would bring it to completion, but it has been surprisingly easy to do it, in fact. For the whole of 2011, I have made and given a card to DH every single week. The toughest part was convincing him to pose for the pictures! :) Here are the final 2 weeks.

P52 Cards - Week 51

You can see the Week 51 card here.

P52 Cards - Week 52

You can see the Week 52 card here (if you dare). (Incidentally, this photo depicts how tough it is to get DH to cooperate for pictures - on this occasion, I couldn't get him to move to a better lighting position, so that's all I got. I think it is quite fitting that I got a bad photo for the botched card. ;) )

I am planning to continue this project in 2012 as well. I know DH looks forward to my weekly cards now, even though he doesn't let it on. :) My New Year's card is ready to go! ;)

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