Hello! I have been busy busy busy lately learning new things. I am loving the the Sketch Your World class at Studio Calico (enrollment is now closed), and I am also learning how to do brush lettering. So I wanted to share what I sketched this week. These are all things around my house that I love.
My sketchbook is not made of watercolor paper so it doesn't hold up too well to water, and created a texture on the paper that I actually quite like - it was perfect for the bunny I sketched, based on a wooden bunny we have in our kitchen.
I bought a new watercolor set for this class, the Sakura Koi field set, and I love it! So I sketched that as well. :)
I also sketched this much loved date stamp - a staple for my Project Life. I used the silver watercolor from the Kuretake Gansai Tambi set for the metal part (too bad you can't quite tell from the photo).
I was surprised at how quickly these sketches came together. Before starting the class, I was intimidated by the idea of sketching, but Olya's lessons have given me confidence to just jump in and try, no overthinking allowed - and it works for me!
I am also really loving the new mini book class by April Foster that started yesterday. LOVE!! Also... if you want to pick up the same kit she used for the class (the Lollipop Guild Dec. '15 scrapbook kit), it is on discount for a very low price - $10... make sure to check it out here before it sells out! Also, the stamp set designed by One Little Bird for the class is super versatile.
If you are looking for mini book inspiration, I highly recommend signing up for the mini book library class bundle, it's going to be a great year for mini album making!
Louis Vuitton’s Easter Chocolate Collection
8 hours ago
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